7 Highest Paying Countries for App Developers
Being an app developer nowadays is probably the best job one may have, as you get to earn a lot, and you even have the possibility to work from your home. In that case, you may work from anywhere in the world, and combine the pleasure of traveling and earning money. You may also choose to work for yourself and being your own boss or become a part of a company that deals with app developing and is in need of app developers. Of course, nobody says that it’s easy to become one. It requires lots of time, patience, learning, creativity, and many other things to invest in yourself and become attractive on the market. What is also important to know is the fact that, as an app developer, you will not be paid the same anywhere in the world, being the reason why we bring you the list of highest paying countries for app developers. If you don’t mind moving abroad and if want to be paid as much as possible, check out our list and choose for yourself. We got the information from the Tech World, and the salaries were expressed in the official currencies of the countries. Check them out!
- Germany
No matter whether you would like to become a freelance app developer or to search for the job in some of the big companies, Germany is the right country for you. The salary you may expect to get here ranges from €42,608 to €78,289, depending on your qualifications and experience.

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- Canada
In Canada, the average annual salary for app developers may go from C$45,289 to C$85,520, which makes this country one of the highest paying in this regard. Canada is also one of the best places for expats, so if you come outside from this country, make sure to check it out!

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- New Zealand
This is one of the safest countries in the world, and if you are an app developer who is looking to move out with his or her family, you may expect to earn approximately NZ$79,603 on the annual level. Sounds great!

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- Norway
The land of democracy, human rights, and freedoms is also one of the best places for app developers, so you should definitely check it out. The average annual salary for this profession ranges from $38,733 to $97,487.

Pixabay/Public Domain
- Australia
If Australia has always been your dream country, maybe it’s the right time to check out the employment possibilities if you are an app developer. You may expect to get the average annual salary ranging from AU$45,302 to AU$97,945.

Pixabay/Public Domain
- United States
Depending on the State, if you are an app developer, the average annual salary in the US ranges from $38,516 to $85,237. This is also one of the highest paying countries for app developers, so don’t forget to explore it further.

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- Switzerland
It’s not strange at all to find Switzerland on the list, as this is one of the richest and most developed European countries. The average annual salary for app developer here goes from CHF 21,900 to CHF 245,368.

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