Why would anyone need the services of a private investigator (P.I.)? Private investigators are hired to get to the bottom of the truth. They uncover facts and evidence that inform the right course of action. To find the answer, private investigators are willing to go to the dark places, dig out hidden dirt and reveal buried facts and pieces of evidence.
There are many different types private investigations. Whether you need to verify the efficacy of documents, claims, personal property records, or the financial statement of a company, a private investigator can get to the bottom of the matter. They can unearth critical information you can use to your advantage.
Often, the benefits greatly outweigh the costs of private investigator services, and you’ll be satisfied with the results that you discovered through the investigation. Below are seven types of investigation private investigators carry out for clients.
1. Background Checks
H.R. professionals often hire private investigators to conduct background checks on people they are considering hiring. Among the issues they seek to verify include whether the candidate attended the colleges they claim they attended. They also want to know if the candidate has a criminal record. Other critical information they seek include their credit score, employment record, and to establish if their resumes check out.
You can hire a P.I. to conduct a background check on a nanny or babysitter. The investigation should be able to find out if the nanny has a criminal record. It should also be able to verify their identity and also establish if they have ever been charged with a sexual offence. You can also hire a PI to perform background checks on a business partner. You may also want them to conduct integrity and security audits on various installations, companies and institutions.
2. Fraud Investigations
There are too many instances of insurance and other types of fraud. For instance, workplace injuries often result in compensation claims. However, some of the claims are fraudulent and end up costing an employer dearly. To establish whether a compensation claim is legitimate, hire a private investigator. The P.I. can investigate a claimant and obtain video evidence to disprove their claims. A private investigator can easily make a fraudulent claim disappear.
Private investigators are regularly contracted by insurance claims adjusters to investigate incidences of insurance fraud. They do this by investigating claimants, reconstructing car accidents to determine who was at fault and who could be cheating the system.
3. To Locate difficult-to-find Witnesses
Sometimes lawyers hire private investigators to track down critical witnesses who do not want to be found. With subpoenas in hand, P.I.s can track down plaintiffs and critical witnesses who could easily change the direction of a case. So, next time you need to track down a witness who doesn’t want to be found, hire a private investigator.
4. Arson Investigations
You can hire a P.I. to conduct an arson investigation. The goal for these types of investigation is to establish the real cause of the fire and hold whoever is responsible accountable.
Most arson investigators are trained professionals or ex-firefighters who understand how the different types of fuel ignite and spread, and how each type of fuel impacts the development of a fire.
5. Accident Investigations
You can also hire a P.I. to establish the particulars of an accident. Knowing who was at fault and how the accident happened can help insurance claims adjusters. It can also inform new measures to prevent such accidents in the future.
If an accident results in death, it’s not possible to just wish it away as just another accident. A private investigator reconstructs the accident scene to establish what happened and who was at fault. Most independent investigators are contracted by lawyers and insurance companies with instructions to establish who was at fault and what caused it.
These types of investigation involve interviewing witnesses, taking pictures or videos of the crime scene, and documenting other critical evidence such as skid marks, point of contact, the extent of damage, and final positions.
6. Due Diligence Investigations
To establish the credibility of a business or individual during a legal transaction, you need a private eye to conduct due diligence on them. In due diligence, a P.I. examines a company’s mission, clients, history, finances, and anything else that could shed light on its true performance and value. For instance, you need to conduct due diligence investigations on a company before a merger or acquisition.
These types of investigation could reveal undisclosed liabilities that could affect the direction of negotiations. For a complete picture of a company’s health, a due diligence investigation is critical.
7. Asset Search Investigations
In an asset search investigation, a private investigator looks for real estate records owned by an individual or a business entity. They also look for public records of other types of properties held by corporates and individuals.
The findings of such investigations can be used to support divorce cases, personal injury cases, collection of child support, motor vehicle accident cases, and debt collection, among others. The searches seek to reveal potential liabilities and value attached to a property. You can also conduct a private investigation on debtors to establish their ability or inability to pay what they owe.