Water covers the most significant percentage of the Earth’s surface, but there is an acute shortage of water in various parts of the world. The government, with the support of non-government organizations, have been working on multiple methods to enhance water purification. New business models, new technologies, and advancement in water treatment equipment will dominate the water sector in the next few years.
1. Decreased Groundwater Pumping
Groundwater has been providing sufficient water for consumption and other activities to a significant number of people around the world. This water has been made available through advanced groundwater pumping technologies. Recent trends show that people will be reusing more water than they had been doing, which will significantly lower the needs of groundwater. The government, in conjunction with other water control agencies, will be coming up with different policies that will limit the use of groundwater. Industries have to find a way to reuse much of the water they currently have as they are the highest users of the underground. There is more information to be found at the Global Hydration website.
2. Preparedness to Boost Resiliency
Over the last few years, natural disasters have played a significant role in the destruction of water infrastructure. One of the greatest natural disasters is storm water, which has consistently proved to be the source of pain to water treatment infrastructure and treatment. Treating wastewater will take center stage in the next few years. This means that a huge amount of money needs to be set aside to support wastewater purification. Increased budgetary allocations to instrument manufacturers will help in building equipment and instruments that withstand natural disasters.
3. Advanced Wastewater Reuse Technologies
Water purification is not a new technology. A significant number of people have depended on water reuse for them to survive. However, advancement in technology will always revolutionize water treatment infrastructure. Unique and cost-effective technologies will play a vital role in making water treatment for sustainable and profitable technology. Arid areas, which continue to expand, don’t have natural sources of water, which is making them to choose groundwater and seawater intrusion. Advanced technologies will have a huge role to play in protecting both saltwater and groundwater. This can only be done by enhancing water reuse and treatment strategies.
4. Seawater Desalination
Seawater desalination is one of the methods through which countries are using to treat water and make it safe for drinking and regular use. The problem is that seawater desalination is a costly process that is only possible to developed countries in Asia and other parts of the world. Scientists will continue to work on the cheapest methods of purifying sea water and making the process cheap to countries in Africa and Asia. Multinational organizations are already developing eco-friendly methods of seawater desalination. There is already an emergence of machines that will help in the desalination process at lower costs.