When you get a hearing aid (or aids), it can take some time to adjust to life as it is something new to you. You may encounter certain problems initially and it may be a bit of a learning curve, which is totally understandable.

You may have a few new things thrown at you and you may not know what to do or how to deal with it. If you have been asked to wear a hearing aid and you have not received one yet, prepare yourself by getting to know some of the most common problems associated with hearing aids so that you will know what to do, or at least be able to sort any issues quicker.

1. Battery Issues

Hearing aids use small batteries. You need to be aware of how long it will last. The last thing you want is to lose power and be stuck for hours. It can leave you feeling really frustrated. The only way to counter this problem is to carry spares with you. They do not take up much space at all. Batteries last a few days to a couple of weeks. When not in use, switch off the device to make it last longer. Also, check to see if you can receive coverage for your batteries.

2. Moisture

Moisture and electronics don’t go hand in hand. No matter how careful you are, sometimes, your hearing aid may come into contact with moisture, whether it is from rain or even your own perspiration. It’s natural to worry about the damage it could cause, or if the moisture could cause the device to fall out. Luckily, many hearing aids are made to be able to take these problems on with no issues. It is still recommended to remove it in the shower. If you had it fitted by a hearing care professional and it fits snugly, try not to worry too much about this.

3. Ear Wax

Ear wax can be a problem but there are ways to counter this with a bit of care and responsibility. If you don’t take care of it, the wax can block the microphone and interfere with some of the other small parts in the device. You need to clean your ears regularly and this way, the chances of the wax clogging the device is diminished. You will also need to regularly clean the hearing aid each time you take it off and this way, you can avoid a build up.

4. Feedback

Sometimes, you will notice that the hearing aid may make a high-pitched sound. This is known as feedback. This can be due to several reasons. Sometimes, it could be the battery, but it could also be due to something rubbing against it and it picks up these sounds and makes a squealing noise. To avoid this, only turn on the hearing aid once it is in your ear, nice and snug.

When choosing your hearing aid with a professional’s help, tell them about your lifestyle. This can help you choose one that is right for you. There are those you can wear all the time. If you like swimming, speak to the professional for the best advice regarding how to handle this situation. Also, try not to buy an aid online. It’s best to get one locally, so that you can go in person.