Whether you are already using some type of liquid de-icer, or you are considering whether or not you should use it this winter, here are 10 things you probably didn’t know about this popular anti-icing and de-icing solution.
1. Liquid de-icers are a better investment than solid de-icers
Liquid de-icers are generally more expensive than solid de-icers. However, since they are more effective, and since you need to apply less of them, liquid de-icers always turn out to be a better investment.
2. You need less material when you use liquid de-icer
Solid de-icers will easily get knocked off the road by each car that rolls over them. On the other hand, liquid de-icers will penetrate the surface of the road, and will stay there. You will need to use less material to melt the ice.
3. Anti-icing is an effective technique to prevent the formation of ice
When you apply liquid de-icer to the surface of a road before it snows, you can prevent the formation of ice. This is called anti-icing, and it can be used with de-icing for more effective results.
4. Liquid de-icer works faster than solid de-icer
Whether you use it for anti-icing before a snow storm, or de-icing after the snow storm, liquid de-icer generally works a lot faster than solid de-icer.
5. Anti-icing with liquid de-icer will reduce your plowing time
Since anti-icing prevents the formation of a bond between the road and the snow, plowing the snow and removing it can be done faster. You will be able to save some valuable time.
6. Liquid de-icer works differently than solid de-icer
It’s important to understand that liquid-icer works differently than solid de-icer. After you have applied liquid de-icer to a road, there will be no evidence of it. There will be no clump of salt rocks to be seen.
7. Liquid de-icer can be used to pre-wet solid de-icers
You can use your liquid de-icer to pre-wet your solid de-icer before you apply it to the road. This will increase the performance of your de-icer, and it will also reduce bounce and scatter.
8. You need to understand the performance of the de-icer you use
There are different types of liquid de-icers available, and you need to know the specifications of the one you use regarding temperature and concentration. Your liquid de-icer will perform its best if you use it properly.
9. Most liquid de-icers are made from magnesium chloride or calcium chloride
Most liquid de-icers are made from either magnesium chloride, or calcium chloride. Both will come with unique benefits, specifications, and instructions, so it’s important to learn more about both before you make your choice.
10. Liquid de-icer is better for the environment than salt
Applying salt to the road every winter really isn’t that good for the environment. It increases rust formation and corrosion, and it pollutes the soil. Liquid de-icer is a more environmentally-friendly option as it is a lot safer than salt.